CHRISTMAS EVE INFORMATION Reservations for Christmas Eve Worship are now closed! As of Thursday 12/23 at NOON: the 3:00 & 5:30 services only have space remaining in the Fellowship Hall There is some seating still available in the sanctuary for the 10:00 service and lots of room in the Fellowship Hall.
This year, some planning ahead is needed for everyone to have a safe and joyous worship experience on Christmas Eve. Therefore, reservations must be made for Christmas Eve Worship by NOON December 23rd.
All three worship services will be very similar. Our combined capacity in the Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall is 180 people. Everyone with a confirmation number will have an assigned seat.
Watch the LiveStream of Christmas Eve Worship online HERE An online worship guide will be available HERE If you come to one of these services without a confirmation number we will only be able to seat you in the Fellowship Hall as space permits.