ll people who are sick are asked to stay home to protect their neighbors.
People who are vulnerable are encouraged to worship at home for their own safety.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. worship
You are invited to attend in person. This service will also be broadcast on the radio.
Sunday 10:45 a.m. worship
You are invited to attend in person. This service will also be LiveStreamed on our YouTube channel.
If you attend in person, please expect:
SEATING – is available in every pew at this time. Additional seating is available in the Fellowship Hall for anyone wanting more space. A live video feed with sound is broadcast to the Fellowship Hall during all services. Please let the pastor know when you arrive if you are planning to sit in the Fellowship Hall.
MASKS – We welcome those who are fully vaccinated to attend worship with or without a mask, whichever makes them most comfortable. For those who are not fully vaccinated or who cannot be fully vaccinated, we trust you to wear a mask while in worship out of an abundance of care for yourself and your vulnerable neighbors.
WORSHIP AIDS – words for worship will be projected on the screen. Bulletins will be available for those who want to use them. Bibles and hymnals are available in the pews. Worship guides will be available online for people worshiping from home. Those with hearing aids can ask their audiologist to adjust their hearing aid in order to receive signals from the hearing loop system in the sanctuary.
GREETINGS – Please respect people's comfort levels with handshakes and hugs. Between the worship services the coffee cart is open.
WORSHIP PRACTICES – offering plates are passed during worship. Communion will be served using sanitary precautions.
TOYS FOR CHILDREN – quiet toys are available in the PrayGround in the front of the sanctuary. Parents may also wish to bring their own quiet toys for children to play with during worship.
We trust that as a community of Christ,
we can love our neighbors well and worship together joyfully.
People who are vulnerable are encouraged to worship at home for their own safety.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. worship
You are invited to attend in person. This service will also be broadcast on the radio.
Sunday 10:45 a.m. worship
You are invited to attend in person. This service will also be LiveStreamed on our YouTube channel.
If you attend in person, please expect:
SEATING – is available in every pew at this time. Additional seating is available in the Fellowship Hall for anyone wanting more space. A live video feed with sound is broadcast to the Fellowship Hall during all services. Please let the pastor know when you arrive if you are planning to sit in the Fellowship Hall.
MASKS – We welcome those who are fully vaccinated to attend worship with or without a mask, whichever makes them most comfortable. For those who are not fully vaccinated or who cannot be fully vaccinated, we trust you to wear a mask while in worship out of an abundance of care for yourself and your vulnerable neighbors.
WORSHIP AIDS – words for worship will be projected on the screen. Bulletins will be available for those who want to use them. Bibles and hymnals are available in the pews. Worship guides will be available online for people worshiping from home. Those with hearing aids can ask their audiologist to adjust their hearing aid in order to receive signals from the hearing loop system in the sanctuary.
GREETINGS – Please respect people's comfort levels with handshakes and hugs. Between the worship services the coffee cart is open.
WORSHIP PRACTICES – offering plates are passed during worship. Communion will be served using sanitary precautions.
TOYS FOR CHILDREN – quiet toys are available in the PrayGround in the front of the sanctuary. Parents may also wish to bring their own quiet toys for children to play with during worship.
We trust that as a community of Christ,
we can love our neighbors well and worship together joyfully.